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Aptem Enhance impact calculator
See the total funding that could be gained by using the Aptem Enhance AI-driven features. Enter your information below and click the submit button to view the results. (We’ve put some helpful industry standard stats in grey in case you want to use any of them. Where you leave a box blank we will use the industry figure to calculate the impact).
Aptem Enhance predicted impact
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% increase in PED accuracy from Checkpoint and Applied KSBs
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% time saving on marking with Marking Aid
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% time saving on reviews with Review Summarisation
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Learner volume
% of learners going past planned end date
Average time a learner goes past their planned end date in months
Average funding per learner per month
Total number of coaches/tutors
Average caseload per coach/tutor
Time spent writing up reviews each week in hours
Time spent each week marking work in days
Daily working hours
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Customer calculations
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Daily caseload for a coach/tutor
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Daily funding value per learner
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Caseload daily value
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Total estimated saving or revenue opportunity gained from utilising Checkpoint & Applied KSBs
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Take the average monthly funding value per learner per month
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Multiply this by the average number of months a learner exceeds their planned end date (PED)
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Then, multiply this result by the number of learners who exceed their PED
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Finally, multiply this total by 50% to account for the savings delivered by Aptem Checkpoint
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Marking Aid
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Take the average caseload and divide it by 5 to determine the daily learner volume per coach/tutor
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Multiply this by the number of days per week spent marking work
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Multiply the result by the daily funding value per learner
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Multiply this by the number of tutors
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Multiply this by the average caseload
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Finally, multiply this by the percentage of time saved using Marking Aid (50%)
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Review Summarisation
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Multiply the hours per week spent writing reviews by 4 to get the monthly total hours
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Multiply the daily funding value per learner by the average caseload per coach/tutor
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Multiply the monthly hours spent on reviews by the percentage of time saved with Review Summarisation
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Divide the daily funding value per learner by the number of hours in a working day to get the hourly funding rate per learner
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Multiply the hourly funding value per learner by the monthly hours saved with Review Summarisation
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Multiply this result by the number of coaches/tutors in the business to determine your monthly savings across all tutors
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Finally, multiply the monthly savings by 12 to calculate the annual savings
Overall impact
Overall total funding that could be gained per annum from three Aptem Enhance features:
Please note, these calculations have been based on accepted industry averages.
Impact of Aptem Checkpoint
Impact of Marking aid
Impact of Review summarisation
Total funding that could be gained per annum (with no increase in cost base):
Impact of Aptem Checkpoint: This figure represents the total cost gained by redirecting time spent teaching learners outside of their planned end date, to those within it.
Total funding that could be gained per annum (with no increase in cost base):
Impact of Marking aid: This figure represents the significant time saving from Marking aid that frees tutors to increase their caseloads without an increase to cost base.
Total funding that could be gained per annum (with no increase in cost base):
Impact of Review summarisation: This figure represents the significant time saving from Review summarisation that frees tutors to increase their caseloads without an increase to cost base.
More detail on these calculations?
For more information about the impact all Aptem Enhance features could have on your organisation please complete this form:
Explanation of how this total has been calculated: