We spoke to Terry Hodgetts about how Aston University benefits from Aptem’s support in funding returns and data accuracy and quality improvements. Terry is the Director of Corporate Client Solutions at Aston University.
In his video testimonial, he highlights how Aptem plays a significant role in improving funding returns. He also shared how the reduction in errors using Aptem has greatly enhanced data quality and accuracy at the university.
You can read a transcript of the video below:
“The funding returns are assisted enormously through Aptem justify the consolidation of the data and the management of the ILR. Again, it’s a work in progress and it’s a journey for us, and I think we’re continuing to get better and better at this.
But in terms of the ability to capture this data, the ability to organise and structure it, and if I look at the history of our operations and our monthly returns and the reduction in errors that we’re seeing on a month by month basis as we go through the process. So we’re getting to the point where the data that we’re submitting is much, much cleaner now.
Again, I’m not going to say it’s completely clean because life isn’t like that, but the quality and the cleanliness of the data that we are submitting, the incidence of the errors and the nature of the errors that we’re finding in the batch returns means that there’s clear signs here that we’re making very significant progress.”
Try Aptem
If you’d like to improve your data accuracy, funding returns and ILR, please get in touch with Aptem. Our end-to-end apprenticeship management system offers a range of products to support skills and employability.
Seeing our apprenticeship management software in action is the best was to see how valuable it is. Both training providers and learners benefit from the tool available in Aptem. You can arrange a chat with the team and arrange a demo of our software, here.