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Aptem Intelligence Dashboard

ESFA apprenticeship reporting data is hugely insightful but it is incredibly difficult to extract information from it. We have created a free dashboarding tool that makes it easy for apprenticeship providers to analyse trends, see offerings gaps, produce competitor analysis, and make data-driven strategic decisions from the ESFA data.

Explore apprenticeship data

Have a play with the preview dashboard below, which includes data to 2020. If you want to see data beyond 2020 you can register for free.

Use the arrows at the bottom of the dashboard to scroll through the views, and explore which standards different providers are offering, their learner starts, cumulative statistics per apprenticeship programme, and detailed demographic and geographic information about apprenticeship providers and programmes.

If you want a quick overview of each dashboard view, watch our two-minute overview video.

Latest data is available by registering below.

Adding value

All Aptem customers, and those who register to use the Aptem Intelligence Dashboard, will have access to quarterly analysis produced by Aptem’s Data Analytics and Research Team. Scroll down to view and download our latest analysis. 

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